Horobox Annual Get Together 2017

Horobox Annual Get Together 2017


This year’s Horobox Annual Get Together took place at one of the best venues of Istanbul Ritz-Carlton Bleu Lounge. During the event, where we hosted our valuable friends from the watch industry, Ms. Işık GÜRDAL (Board Member) and Mr. Oltan AKSAÇ (Corporate Communication Executive) of TOÇEV (Tüvana Child Education Foundation) were also present.


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Our Horobox adventure, which started about 2.5 years ago, continues at full speed. This year’s Horobox Annual Get Together, which took place at Ritz-Carlton Bleu Lounge, hosted both pleasant and proud moments. During the night where we shared our success which we had with great efforts, we talked about Horobox’s current and up-coming projects as well with our dear friends from the sector.


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We also gave information about Horobox’s new sections Horobox Inside and Horodrive, which we plan to share with exclusive contents and guests.


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While we are pleased to leave behind a year full of success without compromising our fresh, original and un-biased content, we did not neglect to fulfill our social responsibilities as much as we could.


With donations we made on behalf of our dear friends who were participated in our Annual Get Together this year, we helped TOÇEV (Tüvana Child Education Foundation), which has been operating since 1994 in order to provide a better future for our children.

We would like to thank all our friends who were with us in this special night and hope that 2018 will be a year full of peace and success for all of us.

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