F.P. Journe Vagabondage

F.P. Journe Vagabondage

We take a detailed look at Haute Horlogerie's rising star F.P. Journe's extraordinary Vagabondage series.

The 21st century is home to exciting developments in the world of watchmaking. At the top of these developments are undoubtedly new players and their extraordinary models. Small enterprises, independent names, and exotic manufacturers bringing a fresh breath to the watchmaking tradition that has been going on for more than 200 years, are offering both visual and engineering feasts for watch lovers.


F.P. Journe is one of those names. Describing his watchmaking genius requires an article of its own. The characteristic details he uses in his watches are combined with the unique movements and breathtaking case-dial combinations. The results are a brand named after its founder's name and a series of modern classic models.


In this article, we look at the Vagabondage watches from the brand, which attracts attention with its contradictory attitude towards the world of horology. F.P. Journe appeared in front of its fans with a philosophical irony, which includes specific details just like its designs. Vagabondage literally means vagabond, wandering. The name for the series comes from the first member of the family, Vagabondage I, with a digital hour display that hovers in the middle. However, when I look at this family of Journe, I see magnificent elegance, a unique design, and an extraordinary beauty for the world of watches. I guess only a genius like Journe would have thought of ascribing the name Vagabondage to the timepieces that are more like works of art. Interestingly, none of the models in the Vagabondage series have F.P. Journe inscriptions. An endless modesty that underlies a great self-confidence...


Journe's Vagabondage series dates back to 2004. For the 30th Anniversary of Antiquorum Auction House, three one-off watches are requested from F.P. Journe. The watches produced in one piece of yellow, white, and pink gold are sold to watch lovers who pay the highest price at the auction organized for the benefit of the ICM Foundation. Moreover, in the dials of these watches, F.P. There is also no Journe inscription.


After this auction, Journe manufactures another 69 series with a platinum case and 18K gold movement and calls it Vagabondage I. The watches, which are produced silently and delivered to their owners without any advertising, begin to be remembered as legends from the moment they appear. The new breath brought to the world of horology by watches that are not officially on sale, literally whets the appetite of all collectors.


Produced between 2004 and 2006, Vagabondage I is recorded as the most extraordinary model of the brand with its patented flat tortoise-shaped case. In addition to the main series, which is limited to 69 pieces, there are 10 diamond-set versions on the market, with a 41mm x 34mm x 6.7mm case. The gray dial, made of gold, contains the most authentic details of the watch. The balance placed in the middle of the dial works at a frequency of 3Hz (21600vph). The disc with hours positioned around the balance promises much more than an ordinary time display. While the display to which the minute counter is attached shows the relevant time, it begins to rotate with the hour disc. By the next hour, the minute display and hour disk lose their synchronization for a short time. Meanwhile, the hour display, which has reached its new position, completes its preparation for its next round. At the heart of the watch is the manual-winding Caliber 1504, made of 18Kpink gold, with 19 jewels and a power reserve of 48 hours.

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Vagabondage II, produced between 2010 and 2018, has a flat Tortue case just like the previous series, measuring 45mm x 37.5mm x 8mm. The breakdown for the models is: 69 pieces with a platinum case, 10 pieces with a platinum case decorated with diamonds, and 68 pieces with an 18K rose gold case. The watch that comes to life with the hand-wound Caliber 1509, which operates at a frequency of 3Hz (21600vph), has 31 jewels, and has 28 hours of power reserve, has the most attractive dial design of the series. The dial, which has jumping, digitally displayed hour and minute paws divided into double digits, is made of dark sapphire crystal. With the small seconds at the bottom of the dial and the remaining power reserve indicators at the top, Vagabondage II has a unique elegance.


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Produced between 2016 and 2019 and registered as the last member of the family, for now, the production quantities for Vagabondage III are as follows: 69 platinum cases, 10 platinum cases with diamonds, 68 pieces of 18K rose gold cases. Equipped with a movement operating at a frequency of 3Hz (21600vph), made of 18K rose gold, 32 jewels, and 30 hours of power reserve, the watch's skeleton dial includes a digital hour and a digital second indicator divided into two digits. Considering how enormous energy is required for the jumping discs, we can use the words bold and fascinating together for the caliber Journe offered in the Vagabondage III model. In addition to the central minute indicator, you can see Journe's extraordinary craftsmanship at every point in the model, which also houses the power reserve hand at 1 o'clock.


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After this flood of horology, I do not know how correct it would be to say that Vagabondage watches are vagabonds, but it is an indisputable fact that every watch in the series is a masterpiece in itself. We hope you will have the opportunity to meet different Vagabondage models in the future and enjoy more of F.P. Journe's genius.