Swiss watchmaker Oris has announced that it promises to give local heroes, doctors, nurses, teachers, bus drivers, sales officers, food manufacturers, parents and cargo officers 50 watches as gifts.
The COVID-19 outbreak continues to affect the lives of everyone in the world. The Swiss watch brand Oris also made a promise to local heroes working at the frontline at the cost of their lives for this epidemic. The brand started sharing Instagram stories using the Oris Bear last week. The idea was to try to make people smile and unite.
Although we close ourselves home and try to protect our family and our health, mothers-fathers, spouses, brothers, siblings, friends who work in some occupational groups continue to work at the cost of their lives. Oris, who wants to thank the 'Local Heroes' who continue working for us, invites them to nominate.
In the first place, the brand asked people to tag a photo of their heroes and stories with #InThisTogether, @Orisbear, and @Oris and said they would give 10 of them Oris watches. More than 400 candidates from around the world reached within 48 hours. Affected by this situation, Oris decided to continue nominating the Local Heroes while the Coronavirus war was going on and promised to give 50 Oris watches in total.
Now it's up to us that our Local Heroes tell their own stories or nominate our heroes... While doing this, don't forget to add #InThisTogether @OrisBear @Oris tags on the photo!