Horobox Annual Get Together

Horobox Annual Get Together


We met with our friends from the watch industry to share our achievements in 2016 and to say hello to 2017 together. Our new year’s party, which we plan to organize every year, has become an unforgettable night for us, thanks to the intense interest of our valued guests.


I can say that we spent the most enjoyable time of our Horobox adventure, which started about 1.5 years ago, at our Christmas party, organized on December 19th. 2016 which seemed to be long but passed by the blink of an eye was filled with novelties for us. We worked really hard as a team. We did interviews, went to fairs, prepared news and reviews, and we were the first ones to announce some new models. 2016 became the year Horobox was recognized by the world thanks to the unlimited support received from the industry.

Although the Horobox team’s effort comes at the forefront of the factors that bring success, we are aware that it is not possible to reach this point without the support of our friends from the industry.


Every door we knock, every meeting we made brought us positive results. We received unlimited support for our photo shoots and positive responses for all our interview requests. As a team able to capture these opportunities, we tried to do our job at its best. Throughout the year we have been up to date with our original content.

We have decided to arrange a small organization to show our gratitude to our friends, who had a big share in our success, to overview what we did in 2016 and our plans for 2017. The place of our party, which we will repeat every year, was Park Şamdan. This special place under the direction of our dear Emre Ergani has helped us to move our enjoyment to the utmost, thanks to both the environment and the professionalism of the employees.

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As a team that is aware of its social responsibilities, we thought that it would be a good idea to put a little charity work into it this evening and we wanted gifts for our orphaned children living in Darülaceze. We do not exaggerate if we say that we cannot find the place to fit the gifts in. We will eventually reach not only the Darülaceze but also the different institutions, and we will deliver them to the owners on visits during the week.


We are proud to be part of such a caring industry. We once again thank all of our friends who did not leave us alone on this important and special evening. We wish you all a better and more successful year in 2017 and we leave you with special photos from the night.